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bauma: b&m offers a plus in safety and sustainability

Those producing construction machinery and vehicles, as well as mining equipment, always also need that extra, which not only provides support for many components at their core, but also a plus in sustainability and safety: high-quality fastening technology and sealing systems.

At bauma 2022 in Munich (Oct. 24 to 30), we will be presenting our solutions to industry players. These include a special sealing element for which we have integrated the technology of a blind rivet into that of a closed blind rivet nut – the somewhat different plug is called b&m-KL PLUG®.
In addition, you can test the b&m-TRIMNUT® on site, an innovation that is both a fastening element and a thread-forming tool. In addition, there is the b&m-TIGHT®, the direct screwing system with integrated sealing function, which is particularly suitable for aluminum-steel hybrid applications.

HALL A3, BOOTH 303: We look forward to exchanging ideas with you over a delicious coffee, prepared by our barista Shaun Breinl.