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b&m makes history for 90 years

This spring, baier & michels celebrates its 90th birthday. Founded in 1932 in Frankfurt am Main, grown up in Ober-Ramstadt, present on three continents in 2022: Our journey from a small screw dealer to a pioneer in innovative fastening and sealing technology has been an extremely exciting and educative tour de force.

Today, baier & michels looks back on milestones such as joining the Würth Group (1973), the start of our international expansion (2008) and the opening of the new Production Center in the company headquarters (2021).
At the same time, we confidently continue on the journey that Wilhelm Baier and Richard Michels set out nine decades ago. With currently 500 employees worldwide. And with a reputation as a reliable solution provider and producer in the field of cold forming. This includes innovative products, independent application technology and production know-how, as well as training programs and a unique online portal for standardizing the variety of parts. In the current year, we at b&m are getting started with several exciting projects – and we’re thrilled to have you along for the ride.