Here you will find certificates, brochures and other documents to download!

Item name Available languages
IATF 16949 b&m China
IATF 16949 b&m Germany
ISO 14001:2015 b&m Germany
ISO 14001:2015 b&m Italy
ISO 9001:2015 b&m China
ISO 9001:2015 b&m Germany
ISO 9001:2015 b&m Italy
Item name Available languages
Corporate Policy
General Delivery and Payment Terms
Organisational and Management Model – b&m Italy
Our Code of Conduct
What makes us stand out (b&m flyer)
Item name Available languages
Manual: Supplier Requirements
Supplier Manual_Appendix_b&m CHINA
Supplier Manual_Appendix_b&m GER
Supplier Manual_Appendix_b&m ITA
Supplier Manual_Appendix_b&m USA